Monday, November 23, 2009

Job Board Updates

Despite the economy and the uncertainty of administrative leadership Student Affairs continues to press on and provide our students with a-list support and programming. Our staff is our front line and we want to make sure we bring Illinois' "brightest and best" our brightest and best staff! Please make sure your area has its recent job openings on the Student Affairs Job Board. It's the best way to show the variety of options Student Affairs offers across units, disciplines and practices.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Calling All Photos!

Holy Holiday Ecard, Batman?!!! Do you have a cool photo you'd like for us to share in our Student Affairs Flash ecard? The more the merrier this holiday season. Send us your best images of students, facility coolness, and staff doing what they do best! We're looking at about 60 seconds of great holiday cheer to share with the world. Please get us your images by Dec 1. Tis the season! Here are just some of the images from the last ecard:

Next SA Newsletter

It's that time again: let me know if you have anything to add to our second enewsletter this year. Tricia Ravelo, Communications Intern, is working on our holiday ecard (should go out Dec 14 with a reminder that their gifts will be tax deductible), but let me know the items you'd like to let our donors alums know about. I'd like to get your ideas by November 27: remember it's just a couple of lines, and a picture if possible, and a link to more information. Please think globally as this is going out to folks who may have been here for the Student Affairs Reunion, but mainly for folks who haven't been back to campus!

And for those of you who are looking for a new look for your enewsletter, here's a template Tricia Ravelo set up for the oiir folks. Any of you who have experience with code should be able to make the changes easily; it's set up in Dreamweaver which will allow you to customize this format and make it your own!

Marketing Group Contact List 09-10

Hey Folks,
I've posted the contact list for the Marketing Group in Google Docs, but I'm adding it here in the hopes that multiple sources might be the most effective means of communications?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to SA Marketing: Blog-style!

Hey Folks: I hope you'll like this 'newer' form of communication, via the internet. I've sent out invitations to everyone with the hope that you'll check this blog regularly, and contribute often! Once you get your accounts set up, I think you'll find this a convenient and more direct way for us to share information, collaborate on like-minded projects and otherwise share expertise.

During this summer, we may see each other infrequently, but I know this is probably the most important time of the year for each of us to get caught up, get out our marketing plans for the new year, and get going on the fall kick-off of promotions.

Please feel free to post to this blog with information, questions and any potential ways to collaborate. The comment section is a great way to have an on-going dialogue. We may have problems, but hopefully everyone can help to be part of the solution!